Sunday, 22 June 2008
Farewell America

This is my final blog post from the United States of America. Its 9am and I'm in bed in a cheap motel somewhere in San Francisco. Barney is still asleep, Dan has gone to get coffee and the big kids are getting dressed and brushing their teeth. Our taxi for the airport arrives at 10.30. We will be arriving home in Banbridge at 3am Monday morning American time - lunch time to the locals. I'm sure we will all be shattered and in need of a holiday by the time we get home!
Traveling as a family for 5 months has been a blast. We've loved every moment of it. We have driven 12,576 miles spent an absolute fortune on petrol and visited some of the most beautiful places on earth. At times it seems like we've been on the road for an eternity, and at other times it feels like time has stood still while we've been traveling.
We have proved we can stand to be in each others company 24 hours a day, confined to a 30ft space without killing each other. After 5 months with no toys the kids can now get 3 hours of complete enjoying from a small bouncy ball. The children each completed 22 junior ranger programs from the national parks we visited. The completed the work and repeated the junior ranger pledge so many times that Barney was so good and cute at it that the whole visitors centre would stop to listen to him saying the pledge by the end. It's been a bit of a national park tour. 22 national parks is more than most Americans have the pleasure of visiting.
My favourite state was Wyoming (followed a close second by Arizona), Jimmies was Nevada (well I think he just liked Vegas), Annabelles was Florida, Dans was either Arizona, Utah or Wyoming and if you asked Barney he will tell you 'the great outdoors' (which was in Florida). Grand Teton came out as the families top National Park, followed closely by Zion and Joshua Tree.
Highlights of the trip include; watching the shuttle launch, visiting death row, sleeping in the middle of cactus filled deserts, Las Vegas (says Jimmie), the people, drives and parks (says Dan), seeing the wild bison (says Annabelle), seeing all the wild animals that we dont get at home (bison, elk, grizzly bears, black bears, skunk, racoons, armadillo, alligators). One highlight for Barney was feeding racoons through a slot in the RV door, back in Florida. Seeing the Aligator along the roadside in Florida was awesome, but nothing beats watching the grizzly bear and her cubs in Yellowstone.
I dont have time to write much more, but needless to say it has been the absolute trip of a lifetime. It's been worth every penny and has definitely brought us closer together as a family. Now we are heading home to concentrate on the new member of our family which is currently only the size of a lemon, but will no doubt be a big character when he/she is born. Thanks to everyone who has shown and interest in this blog and left comments. Do remember that we keep a family blog which will be continued once we get home. Until then, see you all soon!
Friday, 20 June 2008
Welcome to San Francisco
We've made it to our final destination, and I have to say that San Francisco is one of the most gorgeous cities that I've ever seen, and certainly the nicest one we've visited in America. We enjoyed the excitement of driving over the Golden Gate Bridge into San Francisco this morning, and we were all singing "if you go to San Francisco, be sure to wear some flowers in your hair!" We took a drive around some of the city but didn't get any photos this time.
The insurance company are still being pretty unhelpful so we have decided to return home at our own cost and attempt to recoup it from them at a later stage. The stress of trying to deal with them was only elevating my blood pressure and upsetting me, so Dan is going to change our flights himself. They should refund us the cost of two of the flight changes, but we will have to pay for the other three. They should also pay for the ER visit (except for the first $500 which we have to pay ourselves).
Right now we are in a motel. No more RVing for us. Oh boy does it feel good to lay on a proper soft bed! And, big bonus... we have a bath tub here!! Little Barney is excited about having a bath tonight. The kids are happy as larry now that they have a big screen TV to watch. So the plan is to switch our flights to the day after tomorrow, that's Sunday. That gives us tonight to pack and clean the RV, and tomorrow to return it to Cruise America (they don't know about this yet) before catching our flights on Sunday morning, returning home to Dublin on Monday morning. At least once the RV is returned in the morning we will have the day to relax and laze about. The weather here is HOT. Very hot for us. Theres a pool outside so we can spend tomorrow lazing about it while the kids splash about. It should be a nice final day to the best trip of our lifetime.
The insurance company are still being pretty unhelpful so we have decided to return home at our own cost and attempt to recoup it from them at a later stage. The stress of trying to deal with them was only elevating my blood pressure and upsetting me, so Dan is going to change our flights himself. They should refund us the cost of two of the flight changes, but we will have to pay for the other three. They should also pay for the ER visit (except for the first $500 which we have to pay ourselves).
Right now we are in a motel. No more RVing for us. Oh boy does it feel good to lay on a proper soft bed! And, big bonus... we have a bath tub here!! Little Barney is excited about having a bath tonight. The kids are happy as larry now that they have a big screen TV to watch. So the plan is to switch our flights to the day after tomorrow, that's Sunday. That gives us tonight to pack and clean the RV, and tomorrow to return it to Cruise America (they don't know about this yet) before catching our flights on Sunday morning, returning home to Dublin on Monday morning. At least once the RV is returned in the morning we will have the day to relax and laze about. The weather here is HOT. Very hot for us. Theres a pool outside so we can spend tomorrow lazing about it while the kids splash about. It should be a nice final day to the best trip of our lifetime.
Insurance companies, grrrrrrrrrrr
Well excuse my language. But after a full morning of talks with the insurance company we are still no closer to getting home. Firstly they are saying that I have to see an OBY/GYN consultant as the doctor who signed my letter saying I had to get home was only an ER consultant. Despite the fact that she had consulted the whole way through with the Obstetrician, it seems its not valid because he wasn't the one to sign the letter. If I do go today and see a new obstetrician and get a letter from him that says the same thing, then they will pay to send me and one other person home. NOT the entire family. So what am I supposed to do? Leave the kids behind?? I'm not allowed to travel on my own, I'm supposed to be avoiding stress and the stupid insurance company wont pay for my kids to travel home. Are they going to be held responsible if my baby dies while they are faffing around with trying to avoid paying out??
A bit of the unexpected...
I've just this second posted a blog post about the Californian Redwoods (just below this one) so be sure not to miss it if you haven't noticed it.
Last night saw a slight change in plans for our wee traveling family. After a month of coughing, over a week of serious shoulder and neck pain, and various other symptoms Dan decided it was time to take me to the hospital for a check up. This was not a decision made lightly as we have to pay the first $500 of any medical bill, and that's assuming the insurance company pay out on the rest.
I have been checking my blood pressure in Walmart Pharmacies along the road and its been getting higher and higher. I am a person who suffers from low blood pressure, not high, so this was unusual for me. I recently spoke to one of the Walmart pharmacists about my blood pressure (it was 154/100 at the time) and he told me that a high BP like that could cause my unborn baby to die. So, it was time to get checked out.
I arrived at the Fort Bragg emergency department feeling like somewhat of a hypochondriac. I explained that I had no doctor and had been traveling for five months. The triage nurse took my BP and exclaimed that it was extremely high for someone of my age, and so I was allowed into the ER department for further investigation. To cut a long story short, after various blood and urine tests, and an x-ray I was diagnosed with a serious bladder infection, bronchitis, pregnancy migraines and sever hypertension. I was prescribed a cocktail of drugs to take including pain killers, anti sickness medication, antibiotics, cough syrup and an asthma inhaler. They gave me a nebuliser in the ER and that seemed to help my breathing. The ER doctor consulted the hospital Obstetrician about my blood pressure and he sent down a message with a ton of advise. He told me that the baby's growth and well being could be in jeopardy because of my blood pressure and that it was vital I got home as soon as possible so that the baby could be regularly checked for growth and vitality. He told me to avoid salt at all costs, that I should be on regular bed rest during the day (not easy whilst traveling) and that getting home was my priority.
So after a long night at the hospital, with no camp site booked to sleep in, I came out with my inhaler and bag of drugs, and a note for the insurance company asking them to get me home asap. First thing this morning Dan spent an hour trying to get through to the travel insurance company. Eventually he made it through to the right department and explained our situation. They have a ton of paperwork and red tape to get through before they can send us home, and I'm wondering if it will just be quicker to wait for our original flights on the 3rd July. Anyway, we have to phone them back in the morning to see how things are progressing. And so we drove much closer to San Francisco today, and started packing our suitcases, in case we are sent home pronto.
It's been a fabulous trip and we've all had the time of our lives. All five of us are ready to return home now anyway, and it's only 2 weeks earlier than planned. The kids don't seem at all disappointed and are looking forward to seeing their rooms again. To be honest, if the insurance company pays out like its supposed to it will turn out well as we will be refunded two weeks of RV hire fees, wont have to pay for the hotel fees at the end, and will spend a lot less on gas over the next few weeks! However, if they dont pay out we are in for some huge medical bills.
Last night saw a slight change in plans for our wee traveling family. After a month of coughing, over a week of serious shoulder and neck pain, and various other symptoms Dan decided it was time to take me to the hospital for a check up. This was not a decision made lightly as we have to pay the first $500 of any medical bill, and that's assuming the insurance company pay out on the rest.
I have been checking my blood pressure in Walmart Pharmacies along the road and its been getting higher and higher. I am a person who suffers from low blood pressure, not high, so this was unusual for me. I recently spoke to one of the Walmart pharmacists about my blood pressure (it was 154/100 at the time) and he told me that a high BP like that could cause my unborn baby to die. So, it was time to get checked out.
I arrived at the Fort Bragg emergency department feeling like somewhat of a hypochondriac. I explained that I had no doctor and had been traveling for five months. The triage nurse took my BP and exclaimed that it was extremely high for someone of my age, and so I was allowed into the ER department for further investigation. To cut a long story short, after various blood and urine tests, and an x-ray I was diagnosed with a serious bladder infection, bronchitis, pregnancy migraines and sever hypertension. I was prescribed a cocktail of drugs to take including pain killers, anti sickness medication, antibiotics, cough syrup and an asthma inhaler. They gave me a nebuliser in the ER and that seemed to help my breathing. The ER doctor consulted the hospital Obstetrician about my blood pressure and he sent down a message with a ton of advise. He told me that the baby's growth and well being could be in jeopardy because of my blood pressure and that it was vital I got home as soon as possible so that the baby could be regularly checked for growth and vitality. He told me to avoid salt at all costs, that I should be on regular bed rest during the day (not easy whilst traveling) and that getting home was my priority.
So after a long night at the hospital, with no camp site booked to sleep in, I came out with my inhaler and bag of drugs, and a note for the insurance company asking them to get me home asap. First thing this morning Dan spent an hour trying to get through to the travel insurance company. Eventually he made it through to the right department and explained our situation. They have a ton of paperwork and red tape to get through before they can send us home, and I'm wondering if it will just be quicker to wait for our original flights on the 3rd July. Anyway, we have to phone them back in the morning to see how things are progressing. And so we drove much closer to San Francisco today, and started packing our suitcases, in case we are sent home pronto.
It's been a fabulous trip and we've all had the time of our lives. All five of us are ready to return home now anyway, and it's only 2 weeks earlier than planned. The kids don't seem at all disappointed and are looking forward to seeing their rooms again. To be honest, if the insurance company pays out like its supposed to it will turn out well as we will be refunded two weeks of RV hire fees, wont have to pay for the hotel fees at the end, and will spend a lot less on gas over the next few weeks! However, if they dont pay out we are in for some huge medical bills.
The Redwoods of California.

We headed to California sooner than expected, as Oregon (beautiful as it was) was just too cold and windy for an outdoor life. So we got into the RV and headed south, and before we knew it we were in the redwoods, about a week ahead of schedule. The Redwood forests span many miles along the Californian coast. We drove through the national park, as well as countless state parks along the way. The drive was just magical. Winding roads lined with the tallest, biggest trees on the earth. The forest smelled so fresh and pure. Everything was huge there. Not only the trees, but the ferns, and the clover, were all giant sized. The Redwoods only grow in this region because of the amount of water on offer from the rain, river, sea and fog. The forests runs right down to the seashore. Driving through the park when the fog starts to set through the tree tops is a spooky experience!
Little Barney was the first one to set trail into the forest. Dan and I accompanied him on a hike whilst Jimmie and Annabelle chose to stay in the RV. (It's taken 5 months of no TV and no toys, b

We took another hike to see 'The Big Tree' (which is the one in the top most photo on this post). This tree is at least a thousand of years old and really is quite some size, as you can see in the photo. We took our junior ranger programs on this hike with us and learnt why it is important not to climb on the fallen logs in the forest. The fallen trees act as nursery logs to new seedlings, and a home to many animals. We studied one of the nursery logs for the kids ranger badge and made sketches of it. This was to be the childrens last junior ranger program of the trip, so we made the most of it. On this walk we discovered a tree that had a little entrance way into it, like a cave. The tree was still growing, but Dan and the kids were able to crawl right inside it and sit within its trunk as if they were in a little hut! The forests really did feel like some sort of jurassic jungle. The kids half expected dinosaurs to come running out at them!
We stayed in a campsite very close to the redwoods so that we could continue exploring the next day. When we finally decided it was time to move on we eventually found ourselves driving along the famous 'Avenue of the Giants', which is basically a scenic road that runs along side the motorway, driving through more Redwood forests. Along this road we found a campsite to stay in. The campsite had only just opened and since we were one of the first customers they gave us a free redwoods mug. That campsite is where the photo was taken, of Annabelle and Barney sitting inside a hollowed out redwood log.
After our few days in the forest we decided it was time to give the children some beach time. We'd been promising them a warm beach for hundreds of miles. So we stayed in a sea side town called Fort Bragg where we found a beautiful secluded beach to lay on for a day. The best thing about the beach was that it had a large pool of warm water that hadn't washed out to sea. It was perfect for the kids to play safely in and they had a great day getting sand into every possible part of their bodies.
Saturday, 14 June 2008
The coast of Oregon

The Oregon coastline is famed as one of the most beautiful drives in America. And that's not untrue. The shoreline is beautiful. Most of the beaches are protected as state parks, and so they are clean and perfectly unspoilt. Oregon has a lot of trees, and these grow right up to the beach edges. It makes for some stunning scenery.
chips. I've so desperately missed chips since leaving home. They just We arrived firstly in Newport, Oregon. The locals told us that the best scenery was either heading north or south, but we were tired so we stayed for two days in Newport. Our RV park was next to the big bridge there, by the docks, and at night we could hear seals singing! The first day we arrived at dinner time and so we just eat and relaxed for the night. But on our second day we ventured out. Dan had discovered a 'fish n chip' shop that claimed to sell real English fish and chips. I've been missing proper chips so badly since we left. Chips just don't exist here. Chips means crisps here, and if you order burger and chips, you get burger and a packet of crisps. So disappointing. And everything else comes with fries, which just aren't the same. So we headed to this fish and chip shop for lunch. The place was packed! People were queueing for their chips. It was a good sign. But sadly, despite the queue, the chips were nothing more than crinkle cut oven chips, all soggy and very disappointing. If someone opened a real chip shop here, they could make a fortune!

The following day we started heading south towards California, where our trip will finish in just over 2 weeks time. The coastal drive has been beautiful. Beaches full of driftwood. We stopped last night in an RV park near some sand dunes, and this morning we will take a walk along the dunes before driving south some more. We are chasing the sunshine it seems. Hopefully we will see some more sun before we leave!
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